Loan Checklist
In order to make the home loan process an easy one, there is certain information that you need to get ready before applying. You will be asked for:
Evidence of savings history, such as bank statements, term deposits etc.
Details of your income. You may need to provide copies of your payslips, group certificates or if you are self employed you may need your past two taxation returns including business and personal
If you have purchased an owner occupied property you will need to provide details of the property along with specific pages of the contract of sale.
If you have purchased an investment property, you will also need to provide confirmation of the rental.
You will also need to provide details of your current assets and liabilities.
You will also be asked to provide sufficient identification to satisfy the Government's 100 point check.
More help?
Maybe there are words or terms you have heard about loans that you can't find here or perhaps you just want to discuss? Please contact us and we can clarify and help in any way we can.
Email Loan Site >>or call Andrew on 0418 999 100